can you post more blogs

yes we can and we have

will you explain more about the characters and what the books are about?

Yes we will and i hope that you will understand more as we get closer and closer to the time of the book realeases.

when will the first book preview be released?

The first book preview should be released in about 3-5 months maybe more

when will the books be released

you have to understand i have other parts of my life and i don't spend all day and night working on the books but i can say im working hard to get them done

what happens after the first 5 books are released

well i already have plans for other books not related to galen but good news i do have plans for books in the galenverse and though there in early development they could be real one day

i cant find your website on google yahoo etc how do i get here again

well we will be acessable on google shortly but for now theres a link on are facebook page just use that for now